Symisc UnQLite

An Embeddable NoSQL Database Engine

UnQLite C/C++ API Reference - Database Engine Handle.


int unqlite_open(unqlite **ppDB,const char *zFilename,unsigned int iMode);

Opening a new database connection.


This routine allocate and initialize a new database object handle whose name is given by the zFilename argument. A database connection handle is usually returned in *ppDb but, if the engine is unable to allocate memory to hold the unqlite object, a NULL will be written into *ppDb instead of a pointer to the unqlite object. This routine is often the first API call that an application makes and is a prerequisite in order to work with the database library.

If zfilename is ":mem:" or NULL, then a private, in-memory database is created for the connection. The in-memory database will vanish when the database connection is closed. Future versions of UnQLite might make use of additional special filenames that begin with the ":" character. It is recommended that when a database filename actually does begin with a ":" character you should prefix the filename with a pathname such as "./" to avoid ambiguity.

Note: Transactions are not supported for in-memory databases.

The last parameter (iMode) control the database access mode (See parameter description for possible combination).

Note: This routine does not open the target database file. It merely initialize and prepare the database object handle for later usage.



OUT: A fresh database connection handle is written into this pointer.


Relative or full path to the target database file. If zfilename is ":mem:" or NULL then a private, in-memory database is created for the connection.

Database access mode, the possible flag combination is as follows:

UNQLITE_OPEN_CREATE: If the database does not exists, it is created. Otherwise, it is opened with read+write privileges. This is the recommended access control flags for most applications.

UNQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE: Open the database with read+write privileges. If the database does not exists, an error code is returned.

UNQLITE_OPEN_READONLY: Open the database in a read-only mode. That is, you cannot perform a store, append, commit or rollback operations with this control flag.

UNQLITE_OPEN_MMAP: Obtain a read-only memory view of the whole database. This flag works only in conjunction with the UNQLITE_OPEN_READONLY control flags (i.e:


). You will get significant performance improvements with this combination but your database is still read-only.

UNQLITE_OPEN_TEMP: A private, temporary on-disk database will be created. This private database will be automatically deleted as soon as the database connection is closed.

UNQLITE_OPEN_MEM: A private, in-memory database will be created. The in-memory database will vanish when the database connection is closed.

UNQLITE_OPEN_OMIT_JOURNALING: (Not recommended) Disable journaling for this database. In other words, you will not be able to rollback your database after a crash or power failure. This flag is automatically set for temporary database.

UNQLITE_OPEN_NO_MUTEX: (Not recommended) Disable the private recursive mutex associated with each database handle. When set, you should not share this handle between multiple threads. Otherwise, the result is undefined.

Return value

UNQLITE_OK is returned on success. Any other return value indicates failure such as:

UNQLITE_MEM Out of memory (Unlikely scenario).


#include <unqlite.h>

int rc;
unqlite *pDb;

// Open our database;
rc = unqlite_open(&pDb,"test.db",UNQLITE_OPEN_CREATE);
if( rc != UNQLITE_OK ){ return; }

//First data chunk .

rc = unqlite_kv_store(pDb,"msg",-1,"Hello, ",7); //msg => 'Hello, '

if( rc == UNQLITE_OK ){

  //The second chunk

  rc = unqlite_kv_append(pDb,"msg",-1,"Current time is: ",17); //msg => 'Hello, Current time is: '

  if( rc == UNQLITE_OK ){

    //The last formatted chunk

    rc = unqlite_kv_append_fmt(pDb,"msg",-1,"%d:%d:%d",10,16,53); //msg => 'Hello, Current time is: 10:16:53'



if( rc != UNQLITE_OK ){

  const char *zBuf;

  int iLen;

  /* Something goes wrong, extract database error log */


  if( iLen > 0 ){




    /* Rollback */



//Auto-commit the transaction and close our handle

See also

unqlite_close, unqlite_config, unqlite_kv_store, unqlite_kv_append, unqlite_compile, unqlite_vm_exec, unqlite_commit, unqlite_rollback.

Symisc Systems
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