Symisc UnQLite

An Embeddable NoSQL Database Engine


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unQLite (Via Jx9) VM Output Consumer Callback.

A VM output consumer callback is simply a host application function responsible of consuming the Jx9 output such as redirecting it (i.e: the output) to the standard output (STDOUT) or sending it back to the connected peer. The output is generated by the virtual machine during execution of the compiled Jx9 script.

The VM output consumer callback must be registered after successful compilation of the target Jx9 script and prior to its execution. The registration is done using a call to unqlite_vm_config() with a configuration verb set to UNQLITE_VM_CONFIG_OUTPUT.

The UNQLITE_VM_CONFIG_OUTPUT configuration option accepts two arguments: The first argument is a pointer to the user function that is responsible of consuming the VM output (The callback) and the last argument is an arbitrary user pointer which is forwarded verbatim by the engine to the callback as its last argument.

The output consumer callback must have the following signature:

typedef int (*ProcConsumer)(const void *pOutput,unsigned int nLength,void *pUserData);

As you can see, the callback must accept three parameters. The first parameter is a pointer to the VM generated output that the callback body can safely cast to a string (const char *) (see below for a working example). Note that, if the pointer is casted to a string, keep in mind it is not null terminated. The second parameter is the VM output length in bytes. The virtual machine guarantee this number is always greater than zero. The last parameter is a copy of the pointer (callback private data) passed as the second argument to unqlite_vm_config().

When done, the callback must return UNQLITE_OK. But if for some reason the callback wishes to abort processing and thus to stop program execution, it must return UNQLITE_ABORT instead of UNQLITE_OK.

Note that if the host application did not install any output consumer callback, then the virtual machine will automatically redirect its output to an internal buffer. A pointer to that buffer can be extracted via unqlite_vm_config() with a configuration verb set to UNQLITE_VM_CONFIG_OUTPUT.

Callback examples

Our first VM output consumer callback is a simple function which redirect the VM output to the standard output (STDOUT) using the write() system call or the libc printf() function.

static int Output_Consumer(const void *pOutput,unsigned int nOutputLen,void *pUserData)


   ssize_t nWr;

   nWr = write(STDOUT_FILENO,pOutput,nOutputLen);

   if( nWr < 0 ){

     /* Abort processing */

     return UNQLITE_ABORT;


    /* All done, VM output was redirected to STDOUT */

    return UNQLITE_OK;


Using the libc printf(). Remember The VM output (First argument to the callback) is not null terminated.

static int Output_Consumer(const void *pOutput,unsigned int nOutputLen,void *pUserData)



   * Note that it's preferable to use the write() system call to display the output

   * rather than using the libc printf() which everybody now is extremely slow.




            (const char *)pOutput /* Not null Terminated */


     /* All done,VM output was redirected to STDOUT */

     return UNQLITE_OK;


A callback that send the VM output to the connected peer.

static int Output_Consumer(const void *pOutput,unsigned int nOutputLen,void *pUserData)


   conn_t *pConn = (conn_t *)pUserData; /* Callback private data */

   ssize_t nWr;

   /* Send output to the peer */

   nWr = write(pConn->cli_fd,pOutput,nOutputLen);

   if( nWr < 0 ){

     /* Peer hangs on us, abort processing */

     return UNQLITE_ABORT;


   /* All done, data is sent to the peer */

   return UNQLITE_OK;


Now to register the callback, simply call unqlite_vm_config() with a configuration verb set to UNQLITE_VM_CONFIG_OUTPUT as follows:



   Output_Consumer, /* Output Consumer callback */

   NULL             /* Callback private data */


Symisc Systems
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